Heart of a Servant is an inspiring but limited film abo...

A still from the documentary “Heart of a Servant: The Father Flanagan Story”. (I...

St. Wenceslaus

St. Wenceslaus, also known as Wenceslas, was born around 907 AD in Bohemia (mode...

Florida dioceses seek help as state reels from massive ...

Floodwaters inundate the main street in Tarpon Springs, Florida, after Hurricane...

New York Diocese of Rockville Centre announces $323 mil...

St. Agnes Cathedral, Diocese of Rockville Centre, New York. / Credit: Italianfre...

Pope meets with clerical sex abuse survivors in Belgium

Wrapping up his first full day on Belgian soil on Friday, Pope Francis meets wit...

Day One in Belgium: Leuven, a Catholic university open ...

In his first full day in Belgium, Pope Francis meets with the King and Prime Min...

Pope’s visit will strengthen Caritas Belgium’s commitme...

As Pope Francis visits Belgium, Gilles Cnockaert, spokesperson for Caritas Belgi...