Moderator  - Tomas Kauer

Moderator - Tomas Kauer

Last seen: 8 days ago

Member since May 8, 2024

Pope to religious: 'Take decisive steps to follow Christ'

Pope Francis encourages religious gathered in Rome for their General Chapters to...

The shepherd's heart and the people's faith

Our Editorial Director says the “Nulla Osta” approval for Medjugorje was made po...

Pope Francis grants ‘Nulla Osta’ for Medjugorje

The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, with the assent of Pope Francis, gr...

Medjugorje and the perspective of the Church

As the Dicastery for the Docrine of the Faith announces the ‘Nulla Osta’ for dev...

Pope: ‘Organized crime inflicts a deep wound on society’

Pope Francis sends a message to participants in a Vatican conference focused on ...

Belgian Catholic university accused of belittling Pope’...

A professor at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium has claimed the univ...

The Importance of Cost Management for Fleet Businesses

Effective cost management is at the heart of any successful fleet business, whet...

Phlair’s carbon sucking technology could lower direct a...

The startup is taking a different approach to removing carbon dioxide from the a...

AI governance can’t be left to the vested interests

A final report by the UN’s high level advisory body on artificial intelligence m...

Brightband sees a bright (and open-source) future for A...

With an explosion of weather and climate data that the last generation of tools ...

Campana del Rey Rum Bar / Buero Wagner

The small rum bar Campana del Rey is located in the heart of Munich's old town o...

Gyumri’s Revival: Rebuilding Armenia’s Cultural Heritag...

Gyumri, the capital of Armenia's Shirak region and the country's second-largest ...