Situated in the picturesque landscape of Durango, Colorado, "Lean-Three" designe...
The “Áurea housing” project had as its initial premise the concept of the golden...
In Dopendar, we faced two challenges: first, viewing architecture as a cultural ...
Regionally located, the homeowners wished for a second city home to maintain a c...
Located above Moorgate station's new ticket hall (also designed by WilkinsonEyre...
In just one hour, more solar energy hits the Earth than the world uses in a year...
The third floor of the hair salon "the hinc" features the interior design of the...
British architecture studio Al-Jawad Pike has won this year's Neave Brown Award ...
Promotion: bathroom manufacturer Kaldewei has teamed up with industrial designer...
Photographer Björn Wallander shot images of refugees living in shelters provided...
The MAJD neighborhood, situated in District No. 2 of the Mashhad Municipality, i...
Dreaming of a family vacation home on land that had been left untouched for a lo...
Aeroplane seat covers designed for neurodivergent passengers and a knitted lands...
Located on the heavenly beaches of Tulum, Casa Zamná is an architectural project...
The Loop House, the latest project by Mobius, is not only a perfect example of c...