Whoever is not Against Us is For Us: Twenty&sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today, Jesus teaches us about two kinds of separation from Him.  The contrast between them couldn’t be starker. Gospel (Read Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48) St. Mark tells us about an episode in which someone who was not part of the entourage of Jesus’ disciples was “driving out demons” in His Name.  St. John and the other apostles […]

Sep 27, 2024 - 16:00
Whoever is not Against Us is For Us: Twenty&sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today, Jesus teaches us about two kinds of separation from Him.  The contrast between them couldn’t be starker. Gospel (Read Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48) St. Mark tells us about an episode in which someone who was not part of the entourage of Jesus’ disciples was “driving out demons” in His Name.  St. John and the other apostles […]

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