The “Áurea housing” project had as its initial premise the concept of the golden...
In Dopendar, we faced two challenges: first, viewing architecture as a cultural ...
Regionally located, the homeowners wished for a second city home to maintain a c...
The vice president subjected herself to an interrogation as she tries to reach m...
Harris won the day because she reached out to Republicans more successfully than...
Presented by Equinor
Donald Trump and Republicans know they have a problem with women on abortion. Th...
Satellite imagery shows the unforeseen consequences of efforts to hobble Russia’...
Located above Moorgate station's new ticket hall (also designed by WilkinsonEyre...
In just one hour, more solar energy hits the Earth than the world uses in a year...
The third floor of the hair salon "the hinc" features the interior design of the...
British architecture studio Al-Jawad Pike has won this year's Neave Brown Award ...
Promotion: bathroom manufacturer Kaldewei has teamed up with industrial designer...
The famous Stonewall LGBT advocacy group “appears to be directly or indirectly i...
The University of Notre Dame has announced that it intends to develop faith-base...
“Introspection, I hate it,” was the watchword of Ethel Kennedy, the widow of Rob...