Contentful Workplace / toi toi toi creative studio
toi toi toi creative studio (T3) researches, designs, and delivers feel-good spaces. This ethos was applied to the 8,215 sq.m interior for Berlin's software company Contentful. The imminent return of employees after the corona pandemic required rethinking the work environment. T3's vision was to design human-centric, agile spaces of a new standard. At the outset, a design committee was established with representatives from each Contentful department, enabling employees to participate fully in the transformation. The result is a space with human interaction at its core. 'Contentfulers' start their day with end-of trip-facilities such as underground-bike parking, showers, a fitness room, and custom-designed smart lockers situated throughout the interior. For a bit of fun, individually programmed speakers in the custom-designed gender-neutral washrooms make every trip to the loo a different musical experience.

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